Basic Cochrane Workshop & Special Topic on Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies 25 – 27 May 2016
In collaboration with Cochrane Singapore, SCRI Epidemiologist and Biostatistician Department
conducted a two– day course Basic Workshop on the Systemic Review of Interventional Studies and a one-day special topic on systematic review of Diagnostics Test Accuracy (DTA) studies.
Participants from different institutions and professions attended and has greatly benefitted from the mixture of interactive presentations, small-group discussions and hands-on computer exercises throughout this three-day workshop.
The Basic Workshop provides the essential guidance of the entire systematic review process, referring to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. It covers the topics on developing a focused question (PICO method) and effective literature search strategy, assessing risk of bias of studies, conducting meta-analysis using Review Manager and understanding the results (e.g. forest and funnel plots) and heterogeneity.
The Special topic on DTA is designed for clinical and public health researchers, healthcare
professionals and policymakers who are interested in understanding key issues in the design and conduct of Cochrane Reviews of DTA. It is based on guidelines from the ‘Handbook for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Reviews’.