SCRI CSU Advanced Clinical Trial Workshop Managing Large Investigator Initiated Trials 1 April 2016
SCRI has conducted an Advanced Clinical Trial Workshop on 1 April 2016 for the third consecutive year in collaboration with the Clinical Science Unit (CSU).
This one-day practical workshop aims to help experienced investigators to manage their
Investigator Initiated Trials (IITs). Participants rotated through 3 practical sessions to discuss with SCRI Key Faculty members from the Epidemiology Department, CSO of SCRI, A/Prof Edwin Chan; Head of Epidemiology, Shi Luming; Charles Zheng, and from the Biostatistics Department, Head of Biostatistics, Mihir Gandhi; Dianne Bautista & Lu Qingshu on their projects. The practical sessions touched on some of the issues such as project management, recruitment strategies & study monitoring.
Collated feedbacks indicated over 90% of the participants were rated “Good” or “Excellent” for this workshop. SCRI is pleased to work with CSU to conduct this 1-day Workshop and ensured that participants will be better equipped to continue their projects.