SCRI In–House Meta–Analysis Workshop with Overseas Visiting Expert Dr Micheal Borenstein
Dr Michael Borenstein presented two workshops, Software for Meta-Analysis and Computer Power for Multi-Level Studies to our Biostatistics and Epidemiology Department on 3rd March 2016 in SCRI Conference Room. He introduced and demonstrated the computer program, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) i.e. to perform a simple meta-analysis, to assess the impact of moderators using subgroup-analysis, and to assess the impact of moderators using meta-regression.
Dr Borenstein also showed the computer program , CRT-Power that is able to estimate the ICC at every level and work with a range of ICCs, to find the most cost effective design, taking into account the ICC and the cost at each level as well as any constraints , how to create plots that clearly show the trade-off among various options (i.e. power as a function of unit and cost) and how to create reports that documents all of these assumptions.
Our staff skills and capabilities were enhanced in performing meta-analysis and were provided user-friendly tools for sample size calculation especially for clustered randomized trials, which will be beneficial for future studies.

A group photo with the visiting expert, Dr Micheal Borenstein with Associate Professor Teoh Yee Leong, CEO of SCRI, Associate Professor Edwin Chan, CSO SCRI

Dr Borenstein was presented a token of appreciation from Associate Professor Edwin Chan .