Start Date / Time: 10 October 2019, 11:45 am
End Date / Time: 10 October 2019, 2:00 pm
Venue: National University Health System (NUHS) Tower Block, Level 1, Auditorium
Organiser: SCRI, in joint collaboration with NUHS
The SCRI-NUHS CRC Workshop, held on 10 October 2019, gathered over 200 research personnel from the healthcare clusters in Singapore to celebrate and recognise the contributions of Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs). The overarching theme was “Importance, development and recognition of CRCs”.
The attendees were treated to informative talks by two honorary guest speakers, Mr Foo Yang Tong (Senior Consultant, Innovation Office & Clinical Trials Branch, Director (Regulatory Legislation), Group Director’s Office, Health Products Regulation Group, Health Sciences Authority) and Dr Yeo Jing Ping (Director, Office of Research Integrity and Compliance, Singapore Health Services). Their topics were “Are you a Super CRC?” and “HBRA Operationalisation: Key Learnings for CRCs”, respectively.
In conjunction with the workshop theme of recognition, the SCRI Academy launched its inaugural Distinguished Contributor Award for CRCs. The award is presented to CRCs who have demonstrated outstanding professional competence and leadership in various aspects of clinical research operations and administration, dedication to their job, and commitment to nurturing junior CRCs.
There are three categories for the Distinguished Contributor Award – Distinction, Merit, and Finalist. The recipients of the Distinction Award and Merit Award were presented with a professional development grant of $3,000 and $1,000, respectively, in addition to an award certificate. The grant can be used to fund expenses related to their professional development as a CRC, including fees incurred for training courses, certifications, books, memberships, conferences, or travel for overseas conferences.
The SCRI Academy received a total of 42 nominations, where 9 nominees were shortlisted for an interview by a panel of independent judges from SCRI and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). After a thorough evaluation by the panel judges, Ms Pang Mei Yan from the National University Cancer Institute Singapore was selected for the Distinction Award. Ms Lim Tze Wei from the National Cancer Centre Singapore, Ms Serene Ng Bee Lian from the National Heart Centre Singapore and Ms Jaclyn Ong Yuen Yeng from the Institute of Mental Health were selected for the Merit Award.
The SCRI Academy congratulates all recipients for making a tangible impact to the clinical research community.
Recipients for the Distinguished Contributor Award for CRCs 2019
Distinction Award
Pang Mei Yan (Senior Research Coordinator, Haematology-Oncology Research Group, National University Cancer Institute Singapore)
Merit Award
Lim Tze Wei (Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, Division of Clinical Trials & Epidemiological Sciences, National Cancer Centre Singapore)
Serene Ng Bee Lian (Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, Clinical and Translational Research Office, National Heart Centre Singapore)
Jaclyn Ong Yuen Yeng (Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, Research Division, Institute of Mental Health)
Finalist Award
Ma. Elnora Galor Gasacao (Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, SingHealth Investigational Medicine Unit)
Cheng Ruijun (Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, Division of Clinical Trials & Epidemiological Sciences, National Cancer Centre Singapore)
Winnie Sia (Senior Clinical Research Coordinator, National University Heart Centre)
Maria Jannet Mogro (Senior Research Coordinator, Haematology-Oncology Research Group, National University Cancer Institute Singapore)
Teh Ee Mei (Lead Clinical Research Coordinator, Clinical Trials & Research Centre, Singapore General Hospital)
Supporting Materials
Through courtesy of the speakers, the presentation slides and reading materials are available for download.
"Are you a Super CRC?" by Mr Foo Yang Tong from the Health Sciences Authority
"HBRA Operationalisation: Key Learnings CRCs" by Dr. Yeo Jing Ping from the Singapore Health Services
Presentation deck - HBRA Operationalisation_Dr Yeo Jing Ping_10 Oct 2019
Resource - Human Biomedical Research (Exemption) Regulations

Awardees of the Distiguished Contributor Award for CRCs
From left: Merit Awardee Jaclyn Ong Yuen Yeng (IMH), Merit Awardee Lim Tze Wei (NCCS), Merit Awardee Serene Ng Bee Lian (NHCS), Distinction Awardee Pang Mei Yan (NCIS) (represented by her colleague), HSA Mr Foo Yang Tong, SCRI CEO A/Prof Teoh Yee Leong, Finalist Awardee Teh Ee Mei (SGH), Finalist Awardee Maria Jannet Mogro (NCIS), Finalist Awardee Winnie Sia (NUHCS), Finalist Awardee Cheng Ruijun (NCCS), Finalist Awardee Ma. Elnora Galor Gasacao (SingHealth IMU).